Section 13

Communicate with administrators.
Whenever you take action in bullying situations, be sure to document your actions and follow the school policies regarding reporting to other staff and parents. Effective management of bullying requires open communication to prevent reoccurrence. Administrators should ensure there is ongoing communication among supervising staff when bullying is reported, suspected or confirmed.

Follow up with students who have experienced bullying.
These follow-up conversations allow you to determine whether the behavior has stopped or if it is recurring. Provide support to students through increased supervision, proactive intervention, and advocacy, if needed.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls of Bullying Prevention

  • Do not assume there is a “profile” of the student who most likely will bully, be a target or be a bystander.
  • Do not handle bullying incidents by having the two involved students “sit down and talk it out.”
  • Do not believe that bullying occurs only when adults are not present.
  • Do not think that bullying prevention is someone else’s job.
  • Do not disregard your school’s bullying policies and procedures because they are a hassle or you are unclear about what to do.